The History of Castle Gobs

Castle Gobs and the surrounding lands are the property of Lord Whitington, my uncle. It lies east and somewhat to the north of Kriegspire, and can be reached by coach in one day.
Lord Whitington acquired his property a mere 16 years ago, but already Gobs has become famous for its wine, the orchestra, the yearly festivities in honour of the White Goblin himself, and the castle library. Sheltered and protected by its mighty neighbour in return for a regular shipment of wine kegs, the lands have known peace ever since the present Lord started his rule. It has not been troubled by the latest manifestation of devils.

The tale of how Lord Whitington came into the possession of Gobs is well-known and bards all over the continents of Enroth and Antagarich have composed songs to relate the story. Yet, it is not a happy one.
At the time, we all lived in the small village of Rigard, south of Avlee. As a mere lass I used to visit the Arena and helped to take care of the wounded as part of my druid upbringing, meanwhile dreaming of how it would be if I were the hero to fight the conjured monsters. When the Nighon war started, my uncle, who had only recently been knighted, was called upon by King Parson to aid in the defence of Pierpont and Castle Navan. If Pierpont would fall, all the lands of Antagarich would lie open to the Warlocks. And so a long and heroic battle was fought, and more than once Sir Whitington valiantly led a last line of defence on the stairs to the city. But elsewhere Warlock raiding parties attacked villages and towns, and as Pierpont lay under siege all of us who had remained fled to the north, in the hope of finding shelter in Spaward.

But Spaward itself harboured only meagre forces. Still, it held off the Warlock raiders for a long time, until a group of renegate Titans joined our foes in spite of their treaty with the Faerie King, and the town was overrun. Both my parents and Sir Whitington's wife Oseginah were slain in the last hours of the raid on Spaward, while we children and some of the older folk made it to the Faerie Mound. There, for days on end the Warlocks tried to break the wards set by the Faerie King, but they could not find a way in.

The siege of Pierpont was finally broken with the aid of troops from Stone City, even though they could spare only a small-sized force. But the Dwarves fought very bravely alongside the Elves of Pierpont. King Parson himself, with Sir Whitington in his party, then marched to the north. When they came to Spaward the king was able to lay a sleeping spell on the Titans, and all of the raiders were killed. Thus ended the Nighon war. The Titans were forever banned to Eeofol and a small patch of land around their stronghold in Avlee. Water elementals were placed in the surrounding waters to make sure that they would not leave the stronghold. The Dwarves then populated the Nighon tunnels with minotaurs and bred behemoths to keep both Titans and Warlocks out.
Sad was the fate of the Faeries. Their queen was not willing to stay in Avlee any longer and returned over the Shoals to the Faerie Forest on Vori, taking most of her kinsfolk with her, while the Faerie King would not leave the Mound, bound by earlier promises that he would not break.

King Parson, seeing Sir Whitington's grief and hearing about the knight's wish to return to his homeland in Enroth, granted his champion the rule of Castle Gobs and county, one of his smaller overseas possessions. At the time Gobs had not had a ruler for many generations, so Lord Whitington would be the first of a new line. The hero of Pierpont accepted gratefully and not long after he set sail, bringing his children, me as his niece, and a few of his closest friends with him to his new home.
From that moment the songs get merrier. They are about how he found Castle Gobs infested with goblins and how he dressed up as the White Goblin to deceive them, and in this manner had little trouble throwing them out.

The White Goblin became a historical figure and every year on that day a parade is held in its honour, where Lord Whitington himself will once again dress up. We children learned to love our new country, but never forgot about our elven ancestry. Goblins are still tolerated in Gobs, and they have never bothered the peasants again since they, too, keep the White Goblin in high regard.
Later, The Jolly Bard befriended our family. We met him on a trip to Silver Cove and when he heard about the library my uncle was putting together, he asked if he could help and study. And so, a few years after, my daughter Twindalah was born. The Jolly Bard still travels often between Gobs and his job as a guide in Alamos.